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MIP Lone Working Policy
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MIP – Supervision Policy
Click below to download the Supervision Policy
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Training Pathway
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The Classical School
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Reaccreditation Sub Committee
This Sub Committee of the Quality & Ethics Committee deals with the overall process of qualified members/UKCP accredited clinicians yearly and five year re-accreditation process.
1. The remit for the Reaccreditation Sub Committee is to support, monitor and collect information with regards to the reaccreditation process for qualified members. For example, yearly collection of information from the qualified members and the relaying of communication to the qualified members regarding their 5 year reaccreditation review by MIP.
2. This 5 year review of the qualified members will be concerned with not only their continuing development, but also the standards and ethics of the qualified members’ psychotherapeutic practice.
1. For the members of the Reaccreditation Sub Committee to communicate yearly with the qualified members with regards to their CPD, Research, Supervision, Membership details, Professional Details and Clinical details.
2. To collate the above information which has been collected from the qualified member and to pass on to their relevant training organisation, ie the Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy. The Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy will then look at this information and if there is relevant information missing, they will contact the qualified member.
3. The Sub Committee is committed to the maintenance of high standards, ethics and practice of the qualifying members and through the collation of information and the 5 year review these standards will be maintained and reviewed.
4. The Sub Committee will be responsible for dialoguing with the qualified members, if need be, within the 5 year time period.
5. The Chair of the Sub Committee will need to submit a short annual report at the time of the MIP AGM.
This Sub Committee of the Quality & Ethics Committee should be at least 2 members and a maximum of 3 members.
Membership will be drawn from the Quality & Ethics Committee.
The Chair of the Sub Committee should be in place no longer than 5 years and the AGM will review this.
There needs to be a quorum of at least 2 members for the Sub Committee to meet.
A consensus decision-making process will normally be followed.
The Sub Committee should meet at least once a year.
The duration and time of the Sub Committee will be determined by the Sub Committee, for example 1 hour.
The Sub Committee may meet online or at MIP, whichever is suitable for the membership of the Sub Committee.
MIP Complaints Policy
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Free Download- TA101 Handbook
Click below to download the TA101 handbook: