Members: Howie Martinez, Sandra Burlace, Sava Allott, Lohani Noor
- Terms of Reference
The remit for the Research Committee is to develop, support and maximise the scope of research within the Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy.
- Responsibilities:
* To work closely with all the committees of MIP, senior trainers and directors of MIP with the objective of encouraging development of research specifically in the areas of integrated transactional analysis.
* The Committee members will familiarise themselves with the present Integrative Transactional Analysis research resources. For example, the European Association of Transactional Analysis Research Journal.
* The Committee is committed to the pursuit of psychotherapy research not only at MIP but in the wider psychotherapy community, nationally and internationally.
* The Committee will be responsible for dialoguing with the webmaster of MIP’s Research website, making sure the content is current and up to date.
* The Chair of the Committee will need to submit a short annual report at the time of the MIP AGM.
3. Membership
* The membership of this committee should be minimum of 3 members, maximum of 6 members.
* Membership should be drawn from the general membership of the Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy, if possible members should represent different categories of membership of MIP.
* The Chair should be in place no longer than 3 years and the AGM will then elect a new Chair.
* There needs to be a quorum of at least two members for the committee to meet.
* A consensus decision-making process will normally be followed.
- Timeframe:
* The Committee should meet at least four times a year.
* The duration time of the Committee will be determined by this specific committee. For example, one and a half to two hours.
* The Committee may meet online or at MIP, which ever medium is suitable for the membership of the group.