In this video Bob Cooke TSTA talks about how to reach the Child Ego State, in the Therapy process From a Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy framework.
Ego States and Transactional Analysis
A useful way of understanding human personality as Ego States, or systems of thinking, feeling, and acting that exist within each of us. The last sentence was cut off, and should be “The more I learn about myself and how I operate with three Ego states, the better am I able to avoid the kinds of painful misunderstandings that can occur in communicating with others.” Transactional Analysis movement is an Internationally known Teaching Transactional Analyst who now runs a bi-monthly consultation group for Therapists and other ‘people helpers’ in San Mateo, California.
Fanita English was a close friend of Eric Berne and one of his so called “Inner circle!.
She was a regular member of his Tuesday night seminars where Eric Berne would talk abought many of his ideas of earl Transactional Analysis.’In this video Fanita is talking about Ego states, Transactional Analysis and the PAC model or structural model of TA.
This is a unique chance to hear one of the “elders” within the Transactional Analysis movement talking,in depth,about TA and more specifically the concept of Ego States, which are central to TA theory today as well, as the Past and Future..
Psychotherapy Case study
In this video Bob Cooke TSTA will be talking about the Psychotherapy case study, that students who have completed the four-year Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy course at the Manchester Institute will be eligible to complete. This case study is the first part of the process towards gaining the Certificate in Transactional Analysis, awarded by the European Association of Transaction Analysis, and recognised by the United Kingdom Council of Psychotherapy.
TA ‘GAMES’ Explained
This video explains the concept of Games in Transactional Analysis in an easily accessible format.
The video created by Theramin Trees and I think it is a good visual representation the concept and theory of Games in Transactional Analysis. This can also be accessed through his YouTube Channel
The Child and Adolescence Certificate course.–Part one.
In this video Karen Burke and Stephanie Cooke talk about the Child and Adolescence Certificate course that runs at the Manchester Institute for psychotherapy. It is run by Stephanie Cooke and Amanda Phillips, and runs for six days over a four-month period. It is usually run Twice a year, and has proved to be a popular certificate at MIP. In this video Stephanie and Karen explore in more detail the workings of this course.