Click below to download the Student Handbook (October 2024)
Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy , Counselling and Supervision
By Bob Cooke
Click below to download the Student Handbook (October 2024)
By Bob Cooke
1. Terms of Reference
The remit for the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Committee is to enable the Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy to carry out its responsibilities for the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion agenda and provide strategic direction, leadership and support for promoting and maintaining equality, diversity and inclusion across MIP.
2. Aims and Objectives
The EDI committee is to ensure that:
* The Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy (MIP) addresses the needs of the trainees, staff, volunteers and diverse community that it serves and raises awareness of the need for individuals who visit (clients and visitors) and those employed by the centre be treated fairly and ensure equality for all.
* Equality, Diversity and Inclusion improvements, updates and issues are discussed and an agreed plan is progressed. The workplan may consist of priorities that link to MIP and the wider development of services.
* Long-term aim is to create an equality, diversity and inclusion manual which will cover many of the areas above and other areas that may not be included above.
* Other objectives for the committee are to provide a forum for discussion at a general and specific level and, where appropriate, joint working with other committees.
3. Responsibilities:
* To work closely with all necessary committees of MIP, senior trainers and directors of MIP with the objective, as said above, to encourage and develop all areas of equality, diversity and inclusion within MIP and the general community.
* The committee members will familiarise themselves with the concepts of equality, diversity and inclusion and together/collectively discuss their thoughts on how the objectives and aims above will be reached.
* The committee is committed to the pursuit of equality, diversity and inclusion not only within MIP but also within all areas of human rights.
* The committee will be responsible for dialoguing with the director of MIP and the webmaster of MIP to make sure that the content of the MIP website is current and up to date with regards to EDI recommendations.
* Finally, the Chair of the committee will need to submit a short annual report at the time of the MIP AGM.
4. Membership
* The membership of this committee should be a minimum of 3 members and a maximum of 6 members. Membership should be drawn from the general membership of the Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy. If possible members should represent different categories of membership of MIP.
* The chair should be in place no longer than 3 years and the AGM will elect a new Chair.
* There needs to be a quorum of at least 2 members for the committee to meet.
* A consensus decision making process will normally be followed.
5. Timeframe
* The committee should meet at least 3-4 times a year.
* The duration time of the committee will be determined by this specific committee, for example 1-2 hours.
* The committee may meet online or at MIP whichever medium is suitable for the membership of the group.
By Bob Cooke
1. Terms of Reference:
The remit for the Social Committee is to develop ideas and liaise with the Director of MIP on how to action and implement the ideas put forward by the committee.
2. Responsibilities:
* To work closely with all the committees of MIP, senior trainers and directors of MIP with the objective of putting forward ideas and new ventures with regards to social events, activities and ideas throughout MIP.
* The committee will work closely with all categories of membership of MIP to “sound out” ideas with regards to social events etc within MIP.
* The committee will be responsible for dialoguing with the Webmaster of MIP and the Director of MIP to make sure ideas and social events are advertised not only at MIP but also on the MIP website.
* The Chair of the committee will need to submit a short annual report at the time of MIP AGM.
3. Membership:
* The membership of the committee should be a minimum of 3 members and no more than 5 members.
* Membership should be drawn from the general membership of MIP.
* The Chair should be in place no longer than 3 years and the AGM will then elect a new chair.
* There needs to be a quorum of at least 2 members.
* A consensus decision-making process will normally be followed
4. Timeframe
* The committee should meet at least two or three times a year.
* The duration time of the committee will be determined by this specific committee, e.g. one to two hours.
* The committee may meet online or at MIP, which ever is suitable for the membership of the committee.
By Bob Cooke
Hello, I’m Fiona. I’m a qualified counsellor and coach working in person at the Manchester Institute or online. I can support you to work through the difficulties in your personal and/or work life that stop you from moving forward by building a trusting relationship with you and providing you with a safe, supportive space for exploring whatever it is that’s going on for you. I can work with you to facilitate your thinking, enable you to explore your feelings and emotions and encourage you to have belief in yourself to come to the right decisions for you in your life.
My base training over a number of years, from an initial skills course through to a post-graduate diploma in Counselling & Psychotherapy at Manchester College and Salford University, is in person-centred counselling and the three core conditions of this approach – being empathic, non-judgemental and genuine, are the personal foundations of my practise. I love to learn and continuing to develop professionally is really important to me. Since qualifying, I have also trained as a coach and begun to explore a more integrative approach, as I find some people, especially with work issues, prefer a more solution-focused way of working.
I have come to counselling and coaching later in life after a long career in the arts and creative industries, but I have always found working with people on a one to one basis has been enjoyable and rewarding. I bring myself, and the belief I have gained through my own experiences of finding my way through life, to my work. And this, together with my training, gives me the confidence to believe that there can be a way through for life’s challenges for all of us with the right support and space to work things through.
By Bob Cooke
I trained at the Manchester Institute of Psychotherapy and have found my understanding of myself and others to have been transformed by the process. I am passionate about the benefits therapy can bring, the insights it can reveal and the emotional education that occurs during the therapy session.
My background is in music, performance and teaching, and am therefore very interested in helping people who experience performance anxiety. However I also specialise in many of the issues that surface through our modern daily lives; depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, a feeling of being stuck, or just when things don’t feel quite right.
I provide a safe space where any issue or difficulty can be explored openly, without judgement and work with clients to help them understand and reconnect with what is most important to them in their lives. I encourage you to take a step forward and see for yourself what a difference therapy can make.
I am registered with the UKCP and subscribe to their code of conduct and am supported in my work through regular supervision.
By Bob Cooke
MIP has a vacancy for a Trainer to teach Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy from an Integrative Perspective to the next intake on the First Year of the 4 Year Transactional Analysis training programme starting in October 2021. For further details of the post please click here:
To apply for this post, please complete the application below and return to Bob Cooke at the Manchester Institute by 12th June 2021. Please email your application to: or by post to: Bob Cooke, Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy, 454 Barlow Moor Road, Chorlton, Manchester M21 0BQ
Click here for the Application Form:
By Bob Cooke
Please click below to download the handbook
By Bob Cooke
Please click on the link/document below to download:
By Bob Cooke
Please click on the link/document below to download:
By Bob Cooke
Click below to download the Supervision Policy