All staff, directors and committee members of the Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy will strive to avoid any conflict of interest between the interests of MIP on the one hand, and personal, professional and business interests on the other. This entails avoiding actual conflicts of interest as well as the perception of conflicts of interest.
The purpose of this policy is to protect the integrity of MIP’s decision-making process and the integrity and reputation of staff, directors, committee members, trainers, supervisees and members of the public.
Examples of conflict of interest include:
1. A committee member who sits on two committees where one committee may be making decisions which would have an impact on the work of another committee. Where possible, members of MIP should only occupy a seat on one committee of the organisation or have only one named role.
2. A committee member who is related to a member of staff and there is a decision to be taken on staff pay or conditions.
3. A committee member who has a personal relationship with another member which may influence their views of the professional standing of that member, e.g. it would not be appropriate for a Quality & Ethics Committee member to be on an investigating panel of a colleague or friend.
4. A committee member who has an active role in another organisation which may be in competition with MIP, for example in recruitment of members or funding of posts.
5. A committee member who has shares in a business that may be awarded a contract to do work or provide services for MIP.
6. Committee members may attend other committees, however if there is a conflict of interest with regards to specific proposals discussed, the member will step down for that particular proposal and area of discussion.
7. Any committee member who suspects a conflict of interest should make it known to the chair and be prepared to remove themselves from the role.
Upon appointment, each committee member will make a full and transparent disclosure of interests, such as relationships and posts held, that could potentially result in a conflict of interest. Such potential conflicts of interest should be reviewed within the committee periodically.
Committee members must be transparent about any transactions or decisions in which there may be a conflict of interest between MIP’s best interests and those of the member, or any organisation the member is involved in.
In such situations, a member will then agree as follows: “After disclosure, I understand that I will be asked to leave the room for the discussion and will not be able to take part in the decision.”
Any such disclosure and the subsequent actions taken will be noted in the minutes.
This policy is meant to supplement good judgement and staff, directors, management, committee members, trainers and supervisors should respect its spirit as well as its wording.
This policy is regularly reviewed every 18 months an updated a minimum of every 36 months
Revised February 2019