- Introduction
- To limit the risks of Health & Safety issues at MIP.
- To provide and maintain safe equipment
- To ensure all designated individuals are competent to fulfil their roles.
- To minimise the risks of accidents and to maintain safe and healthy working conditions
2. Responsibilities:
- Overall and final responsibility for health and safety is held by the Principal Director.
- Day to day responsibility for ensuring that this policy is put into practice is held by the Administrator.
- All employees, therapists, students, trainers and visitors must adhere to this policy, co-operate on all health and safety matters and take reasonable care of their own health and safety.
- All health and safety concerns must be reported to the Administrator.
3. Risk Assessment:
- Risk assessments will be the responsibility of the Administrator. (see checklist).
- The findings of the risk assessment will be reported to the Principal Director who will action or approve any required amendments.
- The Administrator will reassess the risk. .
- Assessments will be undertaken every 12 months.
4. Induction:
Induction training will be provided for all employees by the Principal Director and the Administrator.
5. Accidents and First aid:
A first aid box is kept in both kitchen areas.
All accidents should be reported to the Administrator and reported in the first aid book which is kept in the main office on the shelf behind Administrator’s desk.
6. Emergency Procedures and fire evacuation:
The Administrator is responsible for ensuring that the fire risk assessment is undertaken and implemented.
Escape routes are checked by the Administrator regularly and fire extinguishers are checked and maintained every year.
Fire alarms are tested by the Administrator weekly.
7. Risk Assessment for MIP
i. What are the hazards?
Electrical equipment: microwave, heaters, kettles, computers, TVs, overhead projectors, lamps, light fittings, fans, dehumidifiers.
Carpets, rugs well maintained.
Boiler and heating system.
ii. Who might be harmed?
Staff, therapists, clients, students, visitors, trainers.
iii. What are we already doing?
Maintaining records of fire alarm testing. Compliance with fire regulations.
Maintaining furnishings and fittings.
Maintaining records of maintenance /replacement of electrical equipment.
iv. Implementation of the risk assessment
Fire alarm testing record book kept in office
Maintenance/replacement of electrical equipment indicated on equipment.
This policy is regularly reviewed every 18 months and updated a minimum of every 36 months as necessary.
Last revised May 2019