- Introduction
MIP is firmly committed to offering an equality of education to all students. This policy considers the needs of disabled students and is to be read by all students and trainers of MIP.
The Disability Policy is intended to take account of individual needs and to guide staff and disabled students to find appropriate and practical solutions to problems that may arise.
MIP recognises its responsibility to make anticipatory and reasonable adjustments to all policies, procedures and provision of services, under the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 and subsequently the Equality Act 2010.
- Definitions of Disability
The Disability Discrimination Act 2005 defines disability as “a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on the ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities”. If a member is unsure whether a particular difficulty would be considered a disability they are welcome to discuss this in confidence with a member of the Q&E committee.
The Quality and Ethics Committee is charged by MIP to make policy recommendations regarding the needs of a student with a disability.
- Pre – application Information for Students
Students with a mobility difficulty are strongly advised to visit MIP to discuss their requirements in detail with the Principal Director before submitting their application. There is a building’s programme to improve accessibility at MIP, however there remain some areas at MIP which are not yet accessible to students due to certain structural limitations of the building.
- Admissions
Offers of places to study at MIP are made on academic merit.
Applicants who declare a disability on the application form will be contacted by the Principal Director to seek further information. This will enable MIP to put reasonable adjustments in place.
Tutors are expected to seek advice from the Principal Director whenever there is a concern about the impact of a disability on a student’s ability to complete a course.
- Applications from Students with Mobility Difficulties
Some of the physical environment of MIP is not fully accessible to wheelchair users or who have difficulties with stairs. The Principal Director must, therefore, ensure that certain procedures are followed when considering applications from these students. This is to ensure that access and emergency exit routes are established before a student arrives. If reasonable adjustments to buildings and procedures cannot be put in place it is essential that an applicant is informed.
6. Emergency Egress
It is the responsibility of the Principal Director for an individual emergency evacuation plan to be completed for all students. This plan is most likely to be for students with restricted mobility or sensory impairments.
- Changes to Disability Status
If a student’s mobility or sensory perception becomes impaired while enrolled at MIP, they are required to contact their Primary Course Tutor to discuss their needs. Appropriate adjustments will be made where possible.
Students can seek confidential advice and support from their Primary Course Tutor.
- Learning and teaching
Students are expected to disclose their learning needs with their course tutor as and when they become apparent.
Material in alternative formats can be obtained from the Primary Course Tutor.
- Staff development and dissemination of “Good Practice”
Disability Awareness and best practice sessions are provided as part of MIP’s staff development programme.
This policy will be reviewed every 18 months and updated a minimum of every 36 months.
Revised May 2019