Formation of Committees:
Committees are formed as a result of the direct need of the Institute and are generally agreed and voted on at the AGM. In extraordinary circumstances a committee may be formed for a finite period of time to meet that need at the discretion of the Clinical Director, e.g. Conference committee.
Each committee shall have its own remit and mission statement under which it will fulfil its obligations to MIP and the members.
Membership and Length of Service of Committee Members
Each committee shall have a Chairperson who will have been voted in at the AGM. A minimum of 3 people, including the chair, will need to be present for a committee to exist. However, meetings may run with fewer people present at the discretion of the Chair.
Committee membership is voluntary for a minimum term of one year, with the exception of the extraordinary committees. There is no specified maximum number of members for any committee.
Length of Committee Members Service
All members, including the Chairperson, shall agree to remain on the committee or state their intention to resign at the AGM.
A review of all committee members, including the Chair, takes place every three years as a minimum. The position of Chair is held for a minimum of 3 years, and reviewed after that time by the committee.
In extraordinary circumstances, where the Chair or any committee member can no longer serve on a committee and not give notice at the AGM, then an emergency meeting will be held to appoint a new committee member to ensure continuity for the committee as soon as possible.
If a committee is disbanded then written confirmation needs to be sent by the chair to the Clinical Director within one month of this decision being made.
Responsibility and Requirements of Each Committee
Each committee will meet for no less than one hour three times a year. The focus of each committee will be to embrace the wellbeing of the MIP members and to ensure that the Institute meets all legal and statutory obligations.
Each Chairperson will write a report and attend the AGM to discuss their committee’s findings.
All committees will be minuted and sent to the MIP administration and the committee members.
It is recognised that some committees are essential, e.g. Quality& Ethics committee, to the effective running of MIP, therefore such committees are ongoing.
Reviewed August 2019