In this video Karen burke takks about Adult Attachment Theory.
Therapy with the Child Ego State
In this video Bob Cooke TSTA talks about how to reach the Child Ego State, in the Therapy process From a Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy framework.
Integrative psychotherapy- Theory and methods
In this video Bob Cooke TSTA looks at the idea of Integrative Psychotherapy- it’s theory- models and methods.
the Integrative psychotherapy model that Bob describes in this video is taken from Richard Erskine’s ideas of integration and Integrative Psychotherapy.
Client assessment
In this video Bob Cooke TSTA and Rory Lee Oakes discuss how therapists do initial assessments with their clients. This video is aimed at beginning Psychotherapists, and will also be useful for the more experienced Psychotherapists. Bob is a founding director of the Manchester Institute psychotherapy and is also the overall trainer of the transactional analysis training at the Institute.
Supervision training courses and defence mechanisms.
Supervision training courses ,and Psychotherapy training courses ,whether they have a major Humanistic or Psychodynamic stance, will be concerned with the teaching of the defence mechanisms of the client population, in the therapy process, and the defence mechanisms of the Supervisee in the supervision population.
Clients when coming to Psychotherapy ,and Supervisee’s when entering their Supervision may errect, and maintain, if possible, their defence mechanisms.
In Psychotherapy these defence mechanisms are established by the client to maintain their own Script, and their sense of reality; and of course to keep the psychotherapist at bay ,and out of connection or relationship with themselves. in Supervision the Supervisee may, out of their awareness,errect similar defence mechanisms as the ones that the clients operate from within the therapeutic process.
Such Defence mechanisms are;
Projective Identification
in transactional analysis psychotherapy other defences include any of the Injunctions, Drivers, Games, Rackets and any other mechanisms to maintain their Script plan. As these defence mechanisms are unconscious it is important that the Therapist, within the Therapy process interprets and confronts them. In the Supervision process it is also important that the Supervisor helps the Supervisee ,to become aware of some of the defence mechanisms that they might be employing within the Supervisory process. And in terms of Parallel Process, how they may also be using the same unconscious defence mechanisms ,to keep out of relationship with their own clients in the own therapeutic process.
Indeed this shows how important the Supervisor is within the supervision encounter. It’s vitally important then that the Supervision courses, include in the syllabus ,the teaching of defence mechanisms, parallel process, and how to work with unconscious communication. For it is the Supervision and training that provides the competent Supervisee’s and Supervisors of today.
Bob Cooke 2013
Working with the Vulnerable self
This video is for Psychotherapists who will be working with clients within the therapeutic process, and specifically working with the vulnerabilities of their clients. In this video Bob Cooke talks through his keynote presentation about vulnerability, and the methodology of how to come alongside the vulnerability of the client population.
This keynote presentation, was first presented by Bob Cooke at a MIP seminar in October 2013
Sexual feelings in Psychotherapy-
In this video Bob Cooke TSTA and Rory Lee Oakes ,discuss what is meant by the Erotic Transference? How do Psychotherapists deal with this phenomena in the service of a Relational Psychotherapy.
Ego States and Transactional Analysis
A useful way of understanding human personality as Ego States, or systems of thinking, feeling, and acting that exist within each of us. The last sentence was cut off, and should be “The more I learn about myself and how I operate with three Ego states, the better am I able to avoid the kinds of painful misunderstandings that can occur in communicating with others.” Transactional Analysis movement is an Internationally known Teaching Transactional Analyst who now runs a bi-monthly consultation group for Therapists and other ‘people helpers’ in San Mateo, California.
Fanita English was a close friend of Eric Berne and one of his so called “Inner circle!.
She was a regular member of his Tuesday night seminars where Eric Berne would talk abought many of his ideas of earl Transactional Analysis.’In this video Fanita is talking about Ego states, Transactional Analysis and the PAC model or structural model of TA.
This is a unique chance to hear one of the “elders” within the Transactional Analysis movement talking,in depth,about TA and more specifically the concept of Ego States, which are central to TA theory today as well, as the Past and Future..
Script-new book 2012
Richard Erskine talking about his new book on Script. Richard Erskine has influenced Transactional Analysts and Integrative Psychotherapy.
Child and Adolesence Training
Child and Adolescence Training is a relatively new Training in the United Kingdom. Indeed when I looked up Child and Adolescence training in Google there were not that many Trainings to be found, most were in London, Manchester, and in Leeds.
I have always been interested in the world of Child and Young people in terms of Psychological Assessment, Methodology, and Theory. I however was trained in Adult Psychotherapy, not in the specialist area of Child and Adolescent training. Though in my Adult training in Psychotherapy I did learn a Child developmental model that was mainly Transactional Analysis influenced.
Later in my training I learnt more Child Therapy oriented models, mostly however from a Psychodynamic stand point.
My wife is a Child and Adult Psychotherapist, and with some other Child and Adolescent Therapists she has created a website ,www. child therapy where she has advertised some of her training’s in the area of Child and Adolescent work. Also Karen Burke and Amanda Phillips have joined her in developing new courses in the area of Children and young people, Education, and Adoption.
The Child in Adolescence Training has become a new Department for the Manchester Institute of Psychotherapy ,and we are now offering Certificates and Diplomas in this division.
We are also offering specialist courses in Adoption training, Educational CPD workshops, and of course, the four-year Diploma. I personally think that it is really important to consider how we become the way we are, and that we reflect on the influence of our Childhood, and how is carried into the present.
The more we study, reflect, and inform ourselves about the developmental milestones that children, and young people go through within their journey to Adulthood, the more we will be able to help them today, and in their future challenges.
If you are interested in Child and Young people therapy training click here
Bob Cooke 2013