In this video Bob Cooke TSTA looks at the idea of Integrative Psychotherapy- it’s theory- models and methods.
the Integrative psychotherapy model that Bob describes in this video is taken from Richard Erskine’s ideas of integration and Integrative Psychotherapy.
Client assessment
In this video Bob Cooke TSTA and Rory Lee Oakes discuss how therapists do initial assessments with their clients. This video is aimed at beginning Psychotherapists, and will also be useful for the more experienced Psychotherapists. Bob is a founding director of the Manchester Institute psychotherapy and is also the overall trainer of the transactional analysis training at the Institute.
Supervision training courses and defence mechanisms.
Supervision training courses ,and Psychotherapy training courses ,whether they have a major Humanistic or Psychodynamic stance, will be concerned with the teaching of the defence mechanisms of the client population, in the therapy process, and the defence mechanisms of the Supervisee in the supervision population.
Clients when coming to Psychotherapy ,and Supervisee’s when entering their Supervision may errect, and maintain, if possible, their defence mechanisms.
In Psychotherapy these defence mechanisms are established by the client to maintain their own Script, and their sense of reality; and of course to keep the psychotherapist at bay ,and out of connection or relationship with themselves. in Supervision the Supervisee may, out of their awareness,errect similar defence mechanisms as the ones that the clients operate from within the therapeutic process.
Such Defence mechanisms are;
Projective Identification
in transactional analysis psychotherapy other defences include any of the Injunctions, Drivers, Games, Rackets and any other mechanisms to maintain their Script plan. As these defence mechanisms are unconscious it is important that the Therapist, within the Therapy process interprets and confronts them. In the Supervision process it is also important that the Supervisor helps the Supervisee ,to become aware of some of the defence mechanisms that they might be employing within the Supervisory process. And in terms of Parallel Process, how they may also be using the same unconscious defence mechanisms ,to keep out of relationship with their own clients in the own therapeutic process.
Indeed this shows how important the Supervisor is within the supervision encounter. It’s vitally important then that the Supervision courses, include in the syllabus ,the teaching of defence mechanisms, parallel process, and how to work with unconscious communication. For it is the Supervision and training that provides the competent Supervisee’s and Supervisors of today.
Bob Cooke 2013
Working with the Vulnerable self
This video is for Psychotherapists who will be working with clients within the therapeutic process, and specifically working with the vulnerabilities of their clients. In this video Bob Cooke talks through his keynote presentation about vulnerability, and the methodology of how to come alongside the vulnerability of the client population.
This keynote presentation, was first presented by Bob Cooke at a MIP seminar in October 2013
Sexual feelings in Psychotherapy-
In this video Bob Cooke TSTA and Rory Lee Oakes ,discuss what is meant by the Erotic Transference? How do Psychotherapists deal with this phenomena in the service of a Relational Psychotherapy.
Psychotherapy Case study
In this video Bob Cooke TSTA will be talking about the Psychotherapy case study, that students who have completed the four-year Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy course at the Manchester Institute will be eligible to complete. This case study is the first part of the process towards gaining the Certificate in Transactional Analysis, awarded by the European Association of Transaction Analysis, and recognised by the United Kingdom Council of Psychotherapy.
Integrative Psychotherapy – Richard Erskine
In this video Richard Erskine is talking about the Philosophy of Integrative Psychotherapy.
Growing Through Shame
Michael Sallas starts by saying that shame is something we humans try to avoid. We naturally avoid physical and emotional pain by distracting ourselves, compartmentalising things and making ourselves feel numb. He asks the question ‘How can we grow if we don’t feel a certain level of discomfort?’
When we walk through shame, when we feel vulnerable it could be the start of a new beginning. If you take full responsibility for who you are and what decisions you have made, you really can start to work things out.
Loss and Bereavement Certificate
In this video Karen Burke and Bob Cooke TSTA talk about the Loss and Bereavement Certificate that Karen runs at the Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy. This five-day Certificate run over four months, is very popular,and runs twice a year. Karen talks specifically about what is taught in each of the modules. As well as some of her thoughts concerning the certificate.
TA ‘GAMES’ Explained
This video explains the concept of Games in Transactional Analysis in an easily accessible format.
The video created by Theramin Trees and I think it is a good visual representation the concept and theory of Games in Transactional Analysis. This can also be accessed through his YouTube Channel