First YR Training – Games Rackets- Transactions.
In this module over two days we explore the Transaction Analysis concepts of Games Rackets and Transactions.
These concepts are three of the most important theoretical ideas within Transaction Analysis Psychotherapy training.
They make up three of the major components that a student needs, to understand ,not only theoretically but in terms of methods, when training to be a
Transactional Analyst Psychotherapist.
In the first year of Psychotherapy training in Transactional Analysis there is typically 12 to 14 students.
In the first year, they will be learning the theory of Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy in their heart and mind
In the first year there is also a large focus on personal reflection and understanding of the self, not only as a individual level ,but also at a group level.
This is vital in the training of any Psychotherapist , whether it be in Transactional Analysis psychotherapy, or any of the Humanistic Psychotherapies,it is, personal
reflection and understanding our own selves is a vital component on the journey to be a professional psychotherapist
This module on Games ,Rackets and Transactions ,looks at the defence systems, that a person might use when attempting to defend their frame of reference, for
themselves in life, and the world they live in.
In understanding Games Rackets and Transactions,we understand not only how we internally operate,but how we transact, with other people, -in other words it is an internal and external understanding of communication psychologically with others and the world.
It it is a vital weekend and in this weekend we also learn about the Drama Triangle, which is an extremely useful concept for understanding behavioural patterns
with others, and ,with regards to the psychological roles of Victim ,Rescuer ,and Persecutor.
These roles are Psychological roles -not real roles in society, they are played out by the individual internally and externally, when communicating with others,in any relational manner.
Students will learn in this weekend, how this applies to their Transaction Analysis Psychotherapy training,and how to use it as a Psychotherapist, Councillor and even Supervision in their Proffessional lives
If interested In further information concerning Transaction Analysis training click here
Bob Cooke 2015