Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy , Counselling and Supervision
By Bob Cooke
By Bob Cooke
The “placement” is a unique opportunity for the student to experience an “apprentice” style of “clinical work” whilst they are undergoing the four year diploma in Transactional Analysis.
Placement Providers are by definition the providers who position the students the actual placements – they will do the assessments of the clients and if they deem that the clients are suitable for psychotherapy, and fit the developmental level of the Placement student, they will match the “two” together and provide rooms within their organisational structure for the placement to actually take place.
Placement Providers come from the world of Mental Health Services, Probation, Social Work, Charity Counselling and Psychotherapy Services, Psychiatric Services, Family Centres, Doctors and Medical Centres, and numerous smaller organisations within the health settings of the UK.
The Placement Providers are voluntary bodies which provide a valuable service not only in the mental health sector but also in the world of the worried well.
Placement Providers will interview student psychotherapists and counsellors for placements during the period September to March. More often than not it is more the case that the students who wish to obtain placements need to apply before December/January of the preceding year that they want the placement from, ie if the students wants to have their placement March/April they need to have applied for a placement at least three months beforehand.
Placement Providers usually provide Supervision with regards to the actual placements that they give to the students.
They will sometimes give a contribution towards a student’s supervision and some of the providers may pay in totality for the supervision of the placement. However, in recent times more often than not the cost of the supervision hour with regards to the placement is passed on to the student themselves.
In terms of the length of the “Placement”, placements are usually between 12 sessions to 6 months. This is negotiated at the time of application to the Placement Provider.
It is important to note that when a student is offered a “Placement” at the Placement Provider’s organisation it will usually mean one to three clients are offered as a “Placement”.
By Bob Cooke
Formation of Committees:
Committees are formed as a result of the direct need of the Institute and are generally agreed and voted on at the AGM. In extraordinary circumstances a committee may be formed for a finite period of time to meet that need at the discretion of the Clinical Director, e.g. Conference committee.
Each committee shall have its own remit and mission statement under which it will fulfil its obligations to MIP and the members.
Membership and Length of Service of Committee Members
Each committee shall have a Chairperson who will have been voted in at the AGM. A minimum of 3 people, including the chair, will need to be present for a committee to exist. However, meetings may run with fewer people present at the discretion of the Chair.
Committee membership is voluntary for a minimum term of one year, with the exception of the extraordinary committees. There is no specified maximum number of members for any committee.
Length of Committee Members Service
All members, including the Chairperson, shall agree to remain on the committee or state their intention to resign at the AGM.
A review of all committee members, including the Chair, takes place every three years as a minimum. The position of Chair is held for a minimum of 3 years, and reviewed after that time by the committee.
In extraordinary circumstances, where the Chair or any committee member can no longer serve on a committee and not give notice at the AGM, then an emergency meeting will be held to appoint a new committee member to ensure continuity for the committee as soon as possible.
If a committee is disbanded then written confirmation needs to be sent by the chair to the Clinical Director within one month of this decision being made.
Responsibility and Requirements of Each Committee
Each committee will meet for no less than one hour three times a year. The focus of each committee will be to embrace the wellbeing of the MIP members and to ensure that the Institute meets all legal and statutory obligations.
Each Chairperson will write a report and attend the AGM to discuss their committee’s findings.
All committees will be minuted and sent to the MIP administration and the committee members.
It is recognised that some committees are essential, e.g. Quality& Ethics committee, to the effective running of MIP, therefore such committees are ongoing.
Reviewed August 2019
By Bob Cooke
By Bob Cooke
This three-day Psychotherapy Intensive workshop offers the individual
time and safety to explore and learn about their inner conflicts and desires.
This workshop is open to anyone interested in change and resolution.
We will concentrate specifically on “Inner Child” healing transformation.
We will also look at how we can deal with the “harsh” internal critic that is
often the barrier to change.
Please note anyone wishing to come on this workshop has to be currently in therapy.
Facilitator: BOB COOKE – TSTA – Psychotherapist, Trainer & Supervisor.
Dates: 10th, 11th and 12th AUGUST 2018
Time: 9.30 till 5.30pm (each day)
Cost: £245.00 – this may be paid in instalments if necessary. You may pay through the Shop on this website or by card by telephoning 0161-862 9456 (MIP), or by cheque.
Deposit: £150 (non-refundable)
Venue: The Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy
By Bob Cooke
By Bob Cooke
By Bob Cooke
By Bob Cooke
Bob Cooke, Executive Director
Stephanie Cooke, Director
Karen Burke, Director
Josie Couet, Lay Director
Rory Lee-Oakes, Director
Hannah Moss, Lay Director
By Bob Cooke
Bob Cooke is a Teaching Supervising Transactional Analyst and is the founding director of the Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy UK.
He also is the Co-ordinator of Training at the Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy which has been running psychotherapy training courses in Transactional Analysis since 1993.
Bob Cooke has been a Council member of the United Kingdom Association of Transactional Analysis in 1993-1994 and more recently 2011-2013.
He was an active member of the Council where he was responsible for the changing of the name of the Institute of Transactional Analysis to the present name of the TA community in the UK which is UKATA.
Bob Cooke represents the Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy within the TA community and the Institute itself is a registered training establishment of UKATA.
Bob Cooke is also a Certified Transactional Analysis (P) and has been practicing as a Psychotherapist since 1985. More recently, he has also trained in Integrative Psychotherapy and holds a certificate from the International Integrative Psychotherapy Association with regards to clinical psychotherapy.
Bob Cooke is also an Accredited Supervisor recognised by the European Association of Transactional Analysis and is on the register of the United Kingdom Council of Psychotherapy as a registered supervisor.
Bob Cooke is recognised and accredited by the UKCP and has recently taken up post as one of the UKCP’s Trustees – Bob Cooke UKCP Trustee Manifesto – click here
Bob Cooke is also the Chair of the UK Division of the European Inter-disciplinary Association for Therapy Services with Children and Young People.
Bob Cooke also is on the board of the European Association of Integrative Psychotherapy and as such MIP’s training is recognised by the EAIP.